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Régis Barbenchon


RB & Associates is registered with the Common Law Court. Our users understand that RB & Associates as the master of the transport marketplace operates honourably in its contractual relationships according to the principles of common law, without damage, loss or prejudice to its users and partners. RB & Associés operates legally and not for fraudulent purposes. RB & Associates is able to offer competitive and realistic prices for its services and free to distribute its profits in projects for the common good of humanity.

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Régis Barbenchon

TransportMarketplace brings together shippers...

TransportMarketplace is a global marketplace freight exchange that aims to connect transport and logistics professionals, bring them new business and improve their efficiency through cloud computing. Users register and can immediately obtain new business through this service. Shippers deposit their freight using a transparent form free of charge. Carriers check the available freight, contact the shipper and send their quote for only €19.90 per month. Simplicity, the business model and the wide opening of the market are its greatest assets. Members gain new business through the platform while saving time by simplifying the entire loop of deposit/quotes/reservation/confirmation/arrival notification.

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